Adrienne Tabet

Heart Opener.

24 kt Gold, Steel, Resin, Clay, Cacao.


Pierced through the heart with a plastic or a light expanding outward.
A yellow or a green.
Sunshine or Anahata.
Or Both. Altogether. Simultaneous.
“Heart Opener.”
Cracks are where the light can shine through.

Her arms and legs- rooted.
As a tree.

Gold towards her crown.

We have danced together, I have sculpted her and she has sculpted me. The moment she was completed, I collapsed onto the floor and had a vision of all my past trauma flooding in and flashing before me. I then went to the beach where I watched the most beautiful angel child with big n’ tight curls run around and play amongst the ocean, sand, full moon, and bonfire. He must've been the height of the sculpture. He eventually ran up to me and so sweetly complimented the beauty of my curls. I was overpowered with an intensity of love in that moment, something that I am- we are- able to fully embody.

We may chose to let our experiences make us wiser. A warrior. Connected to nature, each other, and Source.
